Compare Date Fields

Validating the order of the dates

Use Compares dates to ensure the order of the dates are correct. This helps reservations systems where departing dates need to be before returning dates. Handles international or database style dates in a snap and you can have it display your own error message for the visitor.

Requires a JavaScript enabled browser.

Compare Date Fields Quick Guide:

  1. Load a page from your current site.
  2. Setup a form with two textfields and a button.
  3. Select the button.
  4. Load Compare Date Fields from the behaviors menu.
  5. Enter the first date field.
  6. Enter the second date field.
  7. Set the options for the date format.
  8. Enter the error message
  9. Click OK.


"I don't compare 'em, I just catch 'em."
Willie Mays

Dreamweaver CC download

Compare Date Fields

Dreamweaver CS6 and prior download

Compare Date Fields



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